Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're blogging!

This is just an introduction to our new blog, where we hope to respond to some of the ultra-conservative claptrap that permeates East Texas, and give our fellow liberal friends a chance to let loose, too!! With D no longer contributing to the LNJ-SatForum page, we had to create another outlet!! And J plans to put in a word or two here and there, too!! So add us to your list of blogsites and check in periodically, and respond with an Amen!! or You're so wrong there, brother!!

More soon!!!


  1. 'Bout time! So glad to see you in the blogosphere!

  2. Because Durren & Jonna have such amazing minds, this should be an interesting, informative, and blood-boiling ride.


  3. Let us take this opportunity to pull as many liberals as we can and make a strong showing. We are here. We need to be heard. This area needs to hear us. Thanks D & A!!

  4. Long past due. I remember when I first starting blogging I would post your articles from LNJ to my blog because they were so good and they shouldn't be limited to just East Texas.

  5. Well...we hope our voice extends beyond East Texas, but we will take inspiration and purpose from the good people of East Texas, as well as the beautiful countryside. This is home, after all, and we are trying to make our presence felt to support the liberal-minded folk of our home base, and make our voices heard among the majority which is conservative. We are proud East Texans, but as it says under the blog title, "Advocating liberal ideals, values and policies for East Texas and Beyond..."

